The Battle of South Mountain, September 14, 1862

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Phillips' Legion Casualties on the Fox's Gap Battlefield

The names and related data for the individuals listed
on this webpage are
not guaranteed for their accuracy.

The following records appeared in

News from Fox's Gap

December 1, 1999, Issue 8, Volume 1

Copyright Protected

The following list details the casualties suffered by the Phillips Legion at Fox’s Gap, Maryland, September 14th, 1862, as obtained from the compiled service records and 1906 Georgia Roster Commission records at the Georgia State Archives:

KIA = Killed in Action
MIA = Missing in Action
WIA = Wounded in Action
MWIA = Mortally Wounded in Action
CAP = Captured

* Denotes casualty where location and date are not certain. Could be either Fox’s Gap on 9/14,
Sharpsburg 9/17, or in the case of captures, somewhere in between.

Company A
Capt. Oliver Daniel WIA
C. H. Miller WIA*
Musician Joseph B. Walker KIA
William F. Williams MIA later declared KIA

Company B
August Abraham WIA/CAP
J. A. Blanton WIA/CAP (shoulder)
Marcellus F. Broyles CAP
Lyman Chapman CAP
William Cowan KIA
J. C. Currenton CAP
W. R. Davis WIA (lost arm)
Joseph C. England CAP
Darling P. Glover KIA
James W. Hawkins CAP
S. J. Henderson MIA presumed KIA
William B. Lynch MIA later declared KIA
James H. Mitchell MIA later declared KIA
Monroe Mitchell MIA later declared KIA
W. P. Mitchell CAP
Cpl. Charles H. Quinn CAP*
H. L. Russell CAP
John W. Samples CAP
Richard P. Stone KIA
F. M. Turner CAP

Company C
James S. Alley CAP
Capt. Elihu S. Barclay WIA/CAP
William H. Dobbins MIA later declared KIA
Henry W. Dodd MWIA dies at Winchester, Va. 11/12
Jonas Mills MIA later declared KIA
J. J. A. Powers CAP*
J. B. F. Red WIA
Thomas J. Roman KIA
J. T. Spruell CAP
J. N. Taylor WIA/CAP
Hunter Vandiver KIA

Company D
John T. L. Baldwin WIA (lost fingers)
David H. P. Barton WIA/CAP (left leg & right side)
John A. Brooks WIA
R. H. Echols WIA*
Lt. Abraham Jones KIA
Frank B. Luke WIA*
Sgt. Major Jno. A. Mathias WIA
T. H. McElroy MWIA dies at home 11/1/62
J. M. Murphy WIA/CAP
John F. Murphy MIA later declared KIA
John A. Scott KIA
James W. Spratling KIA
John M. Steward CAP
W. J. Sumner CAP
Samuel Turner WIA/CAP
E. C. Williams CAP
Ellis E. Williams KIA
Sgt. Augustus Wimberly CAP*
James Springer Wood CAP

Company E
James Blackwell CAP
Jesse Blackwell CAP
M. V. Collins CAP
James M. Dempsey WIA (back)
Capt. Joseph Hamilton WIA
James W. Roberts CAP
Noah White WIA

Company F
William Carroll WIA/CAP
Bernard C. Conway CAP
Richard Deignan CAP
Lt. John W. Duggan KIA
Richard Furlong MIA later declared KIA
Patrick G. Gary WIA/CAP
Richard G. Gillespie WIA (arm & side)
James Lawler CAP
Lt. Patrick M. McGovern CAP
Lt. Michael S. Walsh CAP

Company L
Andrew J. Alexander CAP
Henry C. Bryant CAP
Isaac Campbell CAP
William J. Eslar CAP
Clement J. Hunt CAP
Newton J. Ivey KIA
Capt. James M. Johnson WIA/CAP
Doctor L. Malone WIA/CAP
Ira F. McClellan CAP
William Pilgrim WIA
J. B. Richardson WIA (lost arm)
Solomon Sanders CAP
Mitchell Walraven CAP
Harrison Wilmoth CAP
Clement J. Hunt CAP
Newton J. Ivey KIA
Capt. James M. Johnson WIA/CAP
Doctor L. Malone WIA/CAP
Ira F. McClellan CAP
William Pilgrim WIA
J. B. Richardson WIA (lost arm)
Solomon Sanders CAP
Mitchell Walraven CAP
Harrison Wilmoth CAP

Company M
William Bannister Sr. WIA (lost arm)
Cpl. William Bannister Jr. KIA
John Pleasant Bryan CAP
Charles B. Collins CAP
Hiram Folds KIA
John W. Hodge CAP
Andrew J. Inzer WIA
Henry E. McKee WIA
Malachi W. Pitts CAP*
Daniel H. Ponder CAP
W. H. Sauls WIA/CAP (lost arm)
John W. Sewell WIA (head wound)
James E. Smith CAP

Company O
Thomas C. Austin CAP
Lt. Theophilus G. Bowie WIA*
Emsley J. Childers MIA later declared KIA
Zell Conger WIA
Andrew Davis WIA/CAP
Samuel E. Fields MIA later declared KIA
Hiram A. Harrison CAP
John Ransom Hawkins KIA
Charles P. Henderson WIA
Jesse M. Jackson MIA later delcared KIA
Robert Moore WIA/CAP
Sgt. Allen H. Summers WIA/CAP
William G. Taylor WIA
Lt. William O. Watson KIA
Rufus W. West KIA
Chaplain George G. Smith WIA

KIA = Killed in Action
MIA = Missing in Action
WIA = Wounded in Action
MWIA = Mortally Wounded in Action
CAP = Captured

* Denotes casualty where location and date are not certain. Could be either Fox’s Gap on 9/14,
Sharpsburg 9/17, or in the case of captures, somewhere in between.

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