51st Georgia Regiment Casualties on the Fox's Gap Battlefield

The names and related data for the individuals listed
on this webpage are
not guaranteed for their accuracy.

The following records appeared in

News from Fox's Gap

December 1, 2000, Issue 10, Volume 1

Copyright Protected

Abbreviations used in the Casualty List:

(1) Status codes are abbreviated as follows:

KIA - Killed in Action
WIA - Wounded in Action
MIA/CAP - Missing in Action and Captured
MWIA - Mortally Wounded in Action (died from wounds)
MWIA/CAP - Mortally Wounded in Action and Captured
WIA/CAP - Wounded in Action and Captured

(2) Comments include the following abbreviations:

ADM Admitted (to hospital)
AWOL Absent Without Leave (from 51st Georgia unit)
Bo/Sh Boonsboro or Sharpsburg (either The Battle of South Mountain or the Battle of Antietam as the battles were called by the Union)
Boons Boonsboro (or the Battle of South Mountain as it was called by the Union)
Bur buried
CAP Captured (by Union forces)
CEXC Considered Exchanged
CSR Compiled Service Record
EXC Exchanged (returned by Union forces to the Confederates)
Fred Frederick, Maryland
GSW Gun Shot Wound
Hosp Hospital
MOC Mt. Olivet Cemetery (grave number follows)
NCL Newspaper Casualty Listing
PAR Paroled
POW Prisoner of War (held in a Union prison camp)
PWR Post War Roll
Rappa Rappahanock
RH Richmond Hospital (Confederate) - a consolidated name representing various Confederate hospitals in Richmond, Virginia
Sharp Sharpsburg (or the Battle of Antietam as it was called by the Union)
USGH United States General Hospital - (a Union hospital, city follows)
Wash Washington, D.C.
Willi Williamsport, Maryland
2nd Ma Second Manassas
????? battle not known

Clarification of other items appearing in the Casualty List:

Mt. Olivet Cemetery - in Frederick, Maryland, was the place of burial for many Confederates

Richmond Hospital - any of a number of Confederate hospitals in Richmond, Virginia, including Chimborazo #1 and #2, GH 1-24, Winder hospital, Howard's Grove, Mayo Island, and others. The name of the specific hospital unit in Richmond may be found for each veteran in the Compiled Service Records at the Georgia State Archives.

Name Status Battle Comments

Company - A
Alexander, Asa W MWIA Boons NCL, died Winchester 10/16/62
Allen, James R MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Bailey, William Riley MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Barnard, William H WIA Boons on Jan/Feb 1863 roll as WIA Boonsboro on furlough
Culpepper, James T MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Daugherty, John (A or R) KIA Boons
Ford, James L WIA/CAP Boons wounded hips/bowels, USGHs until EXC 2/63
Gray, Gabriel W MIA/CAP Boons EXC 10/6/62, RH 10/21/62 with variola
Gray, Hosea C MIA/CAP Boons RH 10/20/62, CEXC 11/10/62
Grier, Thomas M WIA ????? PWR says wounded in hand August 1862
Harrison, Thomas MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Johnson, James W MWIA Bo/Sh MWIA per 1862 NCL, death claim filed 1/16/63
McCann, Charles MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
McDonald, Cpl Robert WIA/CAP Sharp Ft. Monroe for EXC 10/2/62, WIA Sharp per PWR
McLendon, James Dennis MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Philmon, William F KIA Bo/Sh? on NCL, death claim filed 2/23/63
Ritchie, James D KIA Boons
Simmons, Charles W MIA/CAP Sharp to Fort Monroe for EXC 10/17/62
Smith, Daniel MIA/CAP Boons to Fort Monroe for EXC 12/15/62

Company - B
Barefield, William T KIA Boons
Batten, Bryan KIA Boons
Calhoun, Lt Joel KIA Boons
Gurr, Sgt Thomas J MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Howell, Thomas KIA Boons
Hudson, Beasly KIA Boons
Kendrick, James A MIA/CAP Boons Ft Monroe for EXC 12/15/62
Laramore, James A KIA Boons
Leverett, John MWIA/CAP Boons died 10/11/62 USGH Fred, Bur MOC #103 as J L Evans
Marsh, KIA Boons
Solomon Archibald
Moore, Edward J N MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Parker, Gabriel M MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Parker, William J WIA/CAP Boons Ft Monroe for EXC 10/13/62, RH thigh wound
Perkins, Sgt Henry C WIA Boons arm wound
Powell, Abraham MIA/CAP Sharp Ft Monroe for EXC 10/17/62
Ware, Capt William C KIA Rappa hit by shell 8/23/62 at Beverly's Ford

Company - C
Ackridge, Sgt James T MIA/CAP Fred CAP 9/12/62, CEXC 11/10/62
Ackridge, William M WIA Boons Chimborazo Hosp 9/27/62 facial wound
Faircloth, Thomas MIA/CAP ????? PAR 9/26/62, USGH Fred until 10/22/62, WIA?
Griner, Richard C WIA/CAP Boons USGH Fred 9/18, RH 11/9/62 GSW right thigh
Hudson, Daniel MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Ott, George W MIA/CAP Fred USGH Fred 9/18/62, CEXC 11/10/62
Sapp, Sgt Harmon D MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Sawyer, Lemuel P MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Shirah, Charles WIA ????? ADM to RH 9/30/62 GSW
Simpson, John D MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Smith, L H MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Stewart, Sgt James L MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
West, Henry O MIA/CAP Boons to Aiken's Landing for EXC 10/2/62
West, Lt George W KIA Boons
West, Sgt Jeremiah C MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
West, William L MIA/CAP Fred CAP 9/12/62, USGH Fred 9/18/62, Aiken's Landing for EXC 10/6/62
West, William P MWIA/CAP Sharp died USGH Fred 10/14/62, Bur MOC #121
Whigham, John W WIA ????? ADM to RH 9/27/62 GSW
Whitley, Allen KIA Bo/Sh MIA on 1862 NCL, widow's pension application says KIA Maryland

Company - D
Glass, James WIA Boons AWOL Jan/Feb 1863 roll, never returns, MWIA?
Glass, Robert MWIA/CAP ????? USGH Wash 9/21/62, died 10/22/62
Grimsley, William J MWIA Rappa PWR says WIA 8/26/62, died 9/15/62
Hammond, WIA Rappa wounded in thigh 8/25/62 at Waterloo Bridge
Francis Marion
Hare(Hair), Franklin C KIA Rappa Waterloo Bridge 8/25/62 per NCL
Ingram, A J MIA/CAP ????? USGH Wash 9/2x/62, no EXC record but present 2/63
Johnson, H W MIA/CAP ????? PAR 9/21/62, no EXC record but present 2/63
Kinney, Daniel KIA Bo/Sh per NCL
Pate, Richard WIA 2nd Ma went home wounded, never returned
Willis, Daniel M MIA/CAP Willi CAP 9/15/62, to Aiken's Landing for EXC 10/6/62

Company - E
Bartlett, Legrand B KIA Boons
Bell, Marion A WIA/CAP Boons USGH Wash 9/21/62, Winder Hosp 10/4/62
Clower(Glover), George W. KIA Boons
Clower(Glover), William
WIA 2nd Ma ADM to Charlottesville Hosp with GSW
Crawford, William MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Davis, Francis E WIA/CAP Boons EXC 11/15/62, RH 11/9?/62 GSW right arm
Dickey, Capt James MIA/CAP Fred EXC 10/24/62, PWR says CAP at Frederick
Everett, Jordan MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62, PWR says Boonsboro 9/14/62
Hainsley, Lt Lewis G KIA Boons CSR says Sharp but PWR roll says Boons 9/14/62
Jones, David G MWIA/CAP Sharp died 10/6/62 at USGH Fred, Bur MOC #93
King, Lt William L MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Martin, Joseph P MWIA Rappa wounded in face at Waterloo Bridge 8/25/62, died at home
Maury, Benjamin F MWIA/CAP Boons brother to John Maury, Bur near Middletown Academy
Maury, John R KIA Boons brother to Benjamin F Maury
Moore, John H MIA/CAP Boons Aikens Landing for EXC 10/6/62, present 2/63 roll
Reeves, Andrew J MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Rimes, Virgil P MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Sauls, Richard C MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Thompson, James M WIA/CAP Boons ADM to RH with wound to lower jaw

Company - F
Baird, Robert A MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Bellflower, Sgt Joseph R WIA/CAP Sharp PAR 9/27/62, RH 9/27/62 with thigh wound
Bradley, J S MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10, died at Richmond 11/8/62 of anemia/dys
Dyson, Robert A MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Felder, A A KIA Rappa in artillery duel Beverly's Ford 8/25/62 (Waterloo Bridge)
Grice, Benjamin F KIA Rappa Waterloo Bridge 8/25/62
Harper, Sgt W J MIA/CAP Fred CAP 9/12/62, USGH Fred 9/18/62, EXC 3/63
Haynes, Thomas S MIA/CAP Fred CAP 9/12/62, CEXC 11/10/62
Huff, Frank WIA Rappa Severe arm & leg wounds at Beverly's Ford 8/23/62
Huff, Vincent WIA Boons Jan/Feb 63 roll states "absent since wounded 9/14/62"
Knight, Jacob E WIA Rappa wounded slightly per 1862 NCL
Land, William H MIA/CAP ????? PAR 9/27/62, no EXC record but present 2/63

Lang, David A MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Lang, William D KIA Boons
Lawhorn, John P WIA Rappa Jan/Feb 63 roll states absent WIA since 8/23/62, retired 12/64
Lee, Robert T KIA Rappa in artillery duel at Beverly's Ford 8/23/62
Odom, Cpl George W MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Price, Joseph MWIA Rappa severe knee wound at Beverly's Ford 8/23/62, died 9/5/62
Sessions, William E WIA Rappa wounded thigh & hand Beverly's Ford 8/23/62
Shine, James MWIA/CAP ????? USGH Fred GSW, died 9/27/62, Bur MOC #52
Simpson, Lt William G WIA Rappa wounded slightly per 1862 NCL
Smith, John J MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Vinson, Isaac MIA/CAP Boons died at Fort Delaware 10/7/62
Wainwright, John R KIA Boons
Whitaker, Sgt James E MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Wimberly, W M KIA Boons
Wright, Robert E MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62

Company - G
Collins, Leroy G WIA Boons per NCL
Craft, W J MWIA Boons per PWR (died in hospital) & NCL
Crawford, William M WIA/CAP Boons per NCL, CEXC 11/10/62
Domingos, Sgt Isaac WIA/CAP Boons per NCL, CEXC 11/10/62
Findley, Stephen D MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Harrell, Wade H MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Hooker, Charles W MIA/CAP Willi teamster CAP 9/15/62, transported for EXC 10/6/62
Mann, Sgt Joel J WIA/CAP Boons per NCL, CEXC 11/10/62
McDaniel, Jonathan O MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
McKinney, C C KIA Sharp per NCL and PWR
Mercer, J WIA Bo/Sh per NCL
Mitchell, J M MIA/CAP Fred CAP 9/11/62, USGH Fred 9/19/62, present on 2/63 roll
Moore, Sgt Ezekiel MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Murdock, Sgt A W WIA Bo/Sh per NCL, RH 10/62
Peterson, William WIA Bo/Sh ADM RH 9/26/62
Rains, Frederick G WIA Bo/Sh ADM RH 9/28/62
Ray, William H WIA Bo/Sh ADM RH 9/26/62
Rentz, Peter MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Rentz, William KIA Bo/Sh on NCL, death claim filed 1/12/63
Sharp, Sherod L MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Thomas, Daniel KIA Bo/Sh on NCL, death claim filed 2/20/63
Thomas, Edwin KIA Bo/Sh on NCL, death claim filed 12/24/62
Touchstone, Henry H MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Touchstone, Jesse KIA Sharp
Tye, Henry M MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62

Company - H
Anderson, J P MIA/CAP Sharp CAP 9/28/62, PAR 10/11/62
Andrews, James F MIA/CAP Sharp CAP 9/28/62, PAR 10/1/62
Arrington, William S MIA/CAP ????? PAR 9/21/62
Blue, Henry J MIA/CAP Sharp PAR 10/1/62
Cheshire, James T KIA Boons on NCL, death claim filed 1/63
Cox, James R MIA/CAP Boons PAR 9/21/62
DuBose, Joseph A KIA Boons
Ethridge, William A WIA Rappa hit by shell 8/23/62 Beverly's Ford, lost left leg
Sheffield, W H C WIA Rappa 8/23/62 Beverly's Ford, leg amputated
Stephens, James KIA Bo/Sh per NCL
Strickland, Jesse MIA/CAP ????? PAR 9/21/62, died 11/10/62 in RH

Company - I
Bruner, Cpl John H KIA Rappa Waterloo Bridge 8/25/62
Burnett, Capt William L MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Fullwood, Sgt John W MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Killingsworth, Cpl JamesWIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Lee, William D MIA/CAP ????? PAR 9/21/62, no EXC record but present 2/63
McElroy, William H MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62, died 11/13/62 of hemorrhoids
McLendon, Cpl Silas MWIA Boons died Boonsboro, Bur Disciples Church Cemetery
Mills, Cpl John F MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Peterson, Oclious MIA/CAP ????? PAR at Keedysville 9/19/62, present 2/63
Reynold, Jackson MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62
Sanderlin, E D WIA ????? ADM to RH 10/4/62
Shivers, George Oscar WIA/CAP Boons PAR 10/1 at USGH Fred; RH with GSW
Todd, James H MIA/CAP Fred CAP 9/12/62, CEXC 11/10/62
Wood, Sgt Edward MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62

Company - K
Cannon, Henry C WIA Sharp Jan 65 letter requests retirement based on Sharpsburg arm wound
Cook, Cpl Lewis M WIA/CAP Sharp shoulder wound, PAR 10/1/62, RH 10/23/62
Cooper, James B MIA/CAP ????? PAR 9/21/62
Ethridge, John D WIA/CAP ????? EXC 11/10/62; Petersburg Hosp 11/18/62 GSW right leg
Gilbert, Richard T MIA/CAP Boons EXC 10/17/62
Hobbs, Capt Richard WIA Boons resignation letter 11/20/62 "lost left arm 9/14/62 at Boonsboro"
Hood, S L WIA ????? ADM Charlottesville Hosp 9/26/62 GSW chest
Houston, Stephen WIA Boons per NCL
Johnson, J W MIA/CAP Fred CAP 9/12/62, CEXC 11/10/62
Jordan, J W MIA/CAP Boons at USGH Fred 10/62; no further record
Laseter, William M WIA 2nd Ma per PWR
Meads, David S WIA/CAP Sharp Ft Monroe 10/17/62 for EXC; RH 11/21/62 GSW leg
O'Sullivan, Cornelius KIA Bo/Sh per NCL
Quick, Robert WIA/CAP Sharp no capture date, Ft Monroe for EXC 10/17/62, GSW leg
Rawson, Edmund P MIA/CAP Willi CAP 9/15/62, CEXC 11/10/62
Smith, Appleton M MIA/CAP ????? 9/30/62
Spitz, Charles A MIA/CAP Boons CEXC 11/10/62

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